
ViewsDATE:2016-06-23 10:17:10
 “ 美丽时尚,是甜美的微笑,是自信的眼神,是摄影师那独具匠心的灯光与快门。在镜头前落落大方,美丽自然如清风徐来。清冷的眼影,温暖的逆光,气质油然而生。
摄影师当然没有定义时尚与美的权利,他们能做的,不过是还原那与生俱来的美。”——  Alexandra Valenti
  Alexandra Valenti是来自洛杉矶的摄影师,主要从事时尚摄影与商业摄影,其曾为香奈儿品牌效力,这组极佳作品则是作为备选,曾有机会作为channel品牌代表示人的优秀摄影作品,一起目睹什么是大牌风!





Wisp of bangs, colorful sun sway; at that moment back, along with a bright smile, slipped from the forehead; gently stroked, reflecting the temptations of youth. Came from the rain, but bright and glistening; just like exquisite flowers, dotted with morning rain. Cecil strands, wind drift, Fasan Zhao dream atmosphere. Hazy, but oozing infinite beauty. Inspired by the snow, the wind angel, in theh silver world, festooned Poetry like mood; scattered, though fleeting, but once owned, exist between youth and beauty. Memory of Tandi, beautiful mermaid blowing Lo Kok; beat note, wear to the surface, sparkling, has gone; only go through the Blue Ying waves. A glimpse of youth - beautiful.